
Enhancing Orthopedic Care: The Power of Effective Documentation for Diagnosis, Treatment, and Patient Satisfaction.

Imagine one day, you went to an orthopedic physician with a problem. You list out your concerns and difficulties and as routine, the physician gets to the assessment. Except this time, he/she doesn’t write down a single note during assessment, reaches a diagnosis, quickly presents a treatment plan and thanks you for your time. Would that make you slightly uncomfortable and/or less reassured? Most patients would and this right here, is our basic acknowledgement of proper documentation.   So why do we need documentation in healthcare and by extension, the …

Physiotherapy’s Ticking Time Bomb – The Hunt for Second Opinions.

When someone gets injured, what goes through the mind of the patient? Fortunately, it doesn’t take advanced psychology to figure out the immediate questions that arise. It roughly goes in this sequence – how bad is it? Will it get better soon? How fast can I resume with my normal life? Will I need extensive medical care? Can I afford that treatment? (Unless you have health insurance or are rich enough!)   These questions are no different for a physiotherapy patient. The constant race to get the best possible treatment …

Revolutionizing Physiotherapy: Bridging the Data Gap for Enhanced Treatment Outcomes

For some industries, numbers often shape narratives. For some, they even form the base of informed decisions! The most obvious example would be engineering – where no math would mean absolute chaos. And yet, the most important of such industries would also include healthcare and by extension, physiotherapy.    Unfortunately, for an industry that’s focused on better attending to people, physiotherapy never really got around to adopting data. Turns out, only 33% of physiotherapists use Electronic Health Records (EHR) for data documentation, and less than 20% of all practices have …

From Populous to Developed: Transforming India’s Orthopedic Landscape and Defeating Knee Osteoarthritis.

With a population exceeding 1.4 billion, India has officially claimed the title of the world’s most populous country. This significant milestone brings forth both potential and daunting responsibilities. However, amidst India’s preparations for an economic boom, there is a growing concern for present and aspiring physiotherapists and orthopedics who face a volumetric nightmare. The nation’s citizens are succumbing to an alarming surge in injuries, particularly knee osteoarthritis (OA). In this article, we delve into the challenges faced by healthcare professionals in addressing this pressing issue, and the implications it holds …

Upgrade To The Next Level of Orthopedic Care Using Ashva

From dealing with musculoskeletal disorders to complex poly-trauma, encountering cases of rheumatic hand to joint reconstruction, orthopaedic centres have seen it all. While many orthopaedics specialise in areas like the spine, knee, ankle, foot, shoulder or hip, the base remains the same. It begins with diagnosis, proceeds to prescriptions and rehabilitation and concludes with making sure no future complications arise.   While the recovery takes up the bulk of the time, it’s the diagnosis and assessments that project a timeline. And that’s where physios face the most hassles. From equipment …

Shape the Next Generation of Physiotherapists with Ashva

Many would hope that with more people having access to a better lifestyle (be it diet or healthcare), the number of ailments would gradually come down. Unfortunately, projections show the exact opposite. For example, the US National Centre of Biotechnology Information (NCBI) projected that the incidence of primary Total Knee Arthroplasty (TKA) will increase by 43% by 2050.   This expected increase in the volume and complexity of cases force a necessary step to be taken – effectively training the next generation of physiotherapists. And while this is a mammoth …

Make Your Chain Data-Centric Using Ashva’s Technologies

Being trusted by hundreds of patients every single day brings its own set of challenges – something physiotherapy chains know all too well. From peculiar and rare cases to an incredible amount of documentation that goes behind the scenes, the problems chains face are extremely difficult to comprehend, let alone solve.   So when searching for the right equipment partner, chains are always searching for the ones who best understand their problems and accordingly, customize solutions to their issues. This is where we at Ashva, fill those shoes and make sure …

Revolutionize Your Physiotherapy Clinic with Ashva: Quick, Accurate, and Affordable Assessments

Physiotherapy clinics have multiple hurdles to face. If you’re part of one, you’ve probably faced those issues. From assessment timings to appointment durations, results, and progress documentation to diagnosis based on what may sometimes be insufficient information, you don’t want to add more to this mess. In such scenarios, your equipment can be your biggest friend. This is where Ashva comes to your aid. We at Ashva, have two primary products – Fitknees and Fitmust. While they have their individual uses and benefits, here’s why you should invest in them …

How Ashva is Transforming Physiotherapy with Data-Driven Solutions

The start of any great thing begins with an unsolved problem or approach that affects hundreds of people every day. A fancy way to describe problem statements, right? But to some people, it’s not just any problem. Before we at Ashva began our journey, our founder Anmol Saxena was recovering from a knee condition. Exposed to the lack of data in physiotherapy, she was appalled by how many people felt dissatisfied during their rehabilitation.   That’s where the first steps in making a difference were taken. Ashva Tech was founded …

Journey of Fitmust Development

Today, Fitmust is one of Ashva’s best and most efficient products, taking affordable and quantitative physiotherapy to the next level. However, the road to its development was just like any other – slow, uneasy and frustrating. For a company focusing on making physiotherapy data-driven, we were borderline exhausted by how fruitless our research was turning out to be at the very beginning. It began with the very first prototype of Fitknees and the assessment of Surface EMG technology, which is presently used for neural health testing. But after multiple experiments …

How Evidence Based Physiotherapy Helps in Better Treatment

“Your recovery is going well. Your knee should be normal by another two weeks.” “According to our Short Form-36 report, your recovery score is at 75*, which means we can expect your knee to be normal by the end of another two weeks.” Imagine you’re the patient and you hear your physio say either of these two sentences. Which one would you prefer to listen to? Which one is more assuring and seemingly trustworthy? Most people would choose the second one. The difference? Data and metrics served as evidence of …

Indian Innovation: Better Tech At Lesser Cost

Imagine that you’re street shopping. You see a plethora of t-shirts, dresses, shoes and whatnot. Patterns that you saw just the other day in the magazine. If being spoiled for choice wasn’t enough, each and every one of these items are dirt cheap, costing less than half of the ones you had seen and drooled over in the magazine. Despite this, it wouldn’t surprise anyone if you came back home empty-handed. Everyone knows that all of them are nothing but cheap counterfeits which won’t even last a week. But what …