
24 strategies to elevate your physiotherapy clinic in 2024.

As we step into the promising realm of a new year, there’s an innate desire to foster growth and improvement. For physiotherapy clinics, this sentiment translates into a heartfelt aspiration to enhance patient care, elevate standards, and make a real difference. In the spirit of a fresh year and renewed dedication, here are 24 genuine and actionable strategies to help your clinic blossom into an even better place for healing and well-being in 2024.   Champion Evidence-Backed Care: Embrace treatments that have science on their side. It’s not just about …

Game Over for Pain – The Healing Power of Video Games in Physical Therapy

  Video games have long been associated with mindless entertainment and the sedentary lifestyle, but what if we told you that video games can actually be a valuable tool in the process of rehabilitation? It may sound counterintuitive, but numerous studies have shown that video games can improve cognitive and physical function, enhance motor skills, and even help with pain management. Whether you’re recovering from an injury or dealing with a chronic illness, video games may just be the prescription you need to speed up your recovery and get back …

How Research is Physiotherapy’s way forward

The scope of any form of development is determined by its quality of research. The same goes for physiotherapy but in this case, that same research is grossly lacking in substantive and quantity. We asked Dr. Mridul Makkar, an ex-physiotherapy associate and current research associate at Christian Medical College, Ludhiana of what she makes of the current scenario of research in physiotherapy.   Is the lack of physiotherapists in India a factor to the lack of evidence-based research too? While India lacks physios for sure, the problem isn’t just the …

Understanding Patient Adherence From A Physio

  Perhaps the most important but frequently overseen factor in recovery success is patient adherence and emotional understanding. Having a clear insight into the headspace of both the patient and the physio would be key to improving patient-physio relations. Here’s what Dr. Pallavi Variyani, a PhD candidate in community health and rehabilitation to say about patient adherence.   Why is patient adherence important? Dr. Pallavi explains patient adherence the best way possible i.e., a doctor’s commitment to a patient. Be it making patients feel better and confident about themselves to …


Maybe Indians have known this for a while. Maybe we don’t. But as modern healthcare takes a turn to make itself more efficient, we’ve also begun excavating our roots. And when one comes across yoga, maybe we can say, “In search of gold, we lost a diamond”. We went down that route with Dr. Neha Deo, a certified yoga practitioner and physiotherapist, who’s been around for more than a decade. She explained yoga for what it is and how physiotherapy is better because of it. Here’s what she had to …


With physiotherapy and orthopedic care entering an era of massive technological changes, understanding its implication is of vital importance. And who better to review it than an orthopedic himself! In this version of Ashva interviewing healthcare practitioners, we have Dr.Vijayesh Tighare, a young and enthusiastic orthopedic resident at Indiana medical college and hospital, Mangalore, who’s committed to helping people live healthier, both mentally and physically.   How does AI change the playing field for orthos? Having to deal with multiple patients in a single day is a huge strain for …

AI-Integrated Physiotherapy: Affordable & Accessible Solutions.

When a person meets with an accident, the general perception is that the initial treatment is the biggest financial concern. People readily and even recklessly, spend in surgeries and primary medications, assuming that’s damage controlled. And this is exactly the moment where you can sigh and say, “Oh no” to the supposedly, unforeseen expenses – physiotherapy.   In an ideal world, you would want healthcare to be as affordable as possible. Unfortunately, that’s not India’s reality. With the approximate cost of each session ranging from Rs. 500 to Rs. 1500, …

Transforming Gait Analysis: Fitknees – Redefining Accessibility and Comfort

Gait analysis, a crucial aspect of diagnosing musculoskeletal conditions, has long relied on traditional methods that come with certain inconveniences. However, a new solution:  Fitknees. has emerged that not only addresses these challenges but addresses comfort, portability, and local excellence . It redefines diagnostics for better healthcare , but also enhances the overall experience for patients and healthcare professionals alike. The Conventional Challenge: Comfort vs. Insight In the traditional gait analysis process, patients are required to undress and walk in a dimly lit room for an extended duration, typically around …

Unlocking the Intricacies of Gait Analysis: A Comprehensive Guide.

Walking, running, or even a simple jog – they all stem from the complex choreography of our body’s limb movements. This intricate interplay, known as gait, is the cornerstone of our locomotion. It’s a phenomenon that can reflect natural patterns or arise from neuromuscular anomalies. Gait involves a synchronized bipedal movement, defying gravity through the ground reaction force. The Crucial Factors of Gait Formation: Hip Joint: It’s the remarkable ball-and-socket joint uniting the pelvic bone’s acetabular surface with the femur’s upper end. Knee Joint: This hinge joint connects the femur’s …

“Advancing Physiotherapy: Unleashing the Power of Research”

The Importance of Research in Physiotherapy   Why research? In the ever-evolving realm of physiotherapy, where science meets human potential, the quest for knowledge takes centre stage. Imagine a world where every decision made by physiotherapists is grounded in scientific evidence, where treatment strategies are fine-tuned to maximize patient outcomes, and where cutting-edge innovations reshape the landscape of rehabilitation. This world exists within the realm of research, where the relentless pursuit of knowledge fuels progress and sets the stage for groundbreaking advancements.   Physiotherapy, as a discipline, constantly seeks to …

Unlocking the Power of Data in Physiotherapy: How Fitknees Revolutionizes Patient Care and Research

The first and foremost thing one should know about science is that it is ever-growing and scientific knowledge will continue to grow as long as the human species exists. A scientific database is a computerized, organized collection of related data, which can be accessed for scientific inquiry and long-term stewardship. Physiotherapy is a science, and like all sciences, it should have a database.    Why is a database important?   When a therapist treats a patient, it is very essential that they know the rate of their progress. One of …

Revolutionizing Physiotherapy Research: Embracing Artificial Intelligence for Credible Evidence-Based Practice

  As healthcare continues to head towards evidence-based practice, physiotherapy remains the key sector where its application can be seen first hand. Considering this, it must be quite right to assume that physiotherapy is paving the way in evidence-based research. And yet, you can’t be further away from the truth. In reality, physiotherapy research is one of the most biased and inaccurate databases to draw results from – something around 72% of physios share concerns about.   But where did physiotherapy research lag? There are several factors that dented its …