
The Economics Of Physiotherapy: Understanding The Market For Physio Equipment

“Healthcare is not free.” An obvious statement, of course. Even in countries with seemingly free healthcare, they pay for it through incredibly high taxes. But there’s a reason why we’ve begun this article like that. And that’s because when we say “Healthcare is not free,” we want to highlight the fact that healthcare is at the end of day, a business too – and quite a feasible one.   But what about physiotherapy as a business? Now, before diving deep into the economics of physiotherapy care, we want to let …

Working Professionals – The New Modern-Day Knee OA Prey

Remember when you were mindlessly scrolling through Instagram reels or Youtube shorts and a random video began with “POV: A day in the life of a (blah blah) employee”? Now while they’ve successfully managed to romanticize life and work (maybe even made you jealous!), they missed out on a few cons, obviously.   Most working professionals have a very simple workday. From reporting on time, getting some work done and checking out of the office, there are quite a few problems in that very basic schedule that should worry everyone …

Knee Pain: From Silent Killer To Normalized Anomaly?

What’s your first reaction when someone gets ill? You’ll be sympathetic, hopefully! Maybe even suggest a tablet of paracetamol and if there’s no relief still, send a doctor their way.    Now, change the situation a tiny bit. Imagine someone has a worse condition; say they’re coughing blood due to tuberculosis. Well, you wouldn’t just wait around to check if it worsens, right? Did you spot the reason between the difference in the two reactions? We have normalized fever but not tuberculosis.   The perception at large is that we …


  Within the last few years, we have seen the revival in curiosity of ancient Indian healthcare practices – the most famous being Ayurveda. It’s fair to say people have even been enchanted by patriotism to such an extent that they want India to top every important list. And while we have made progress in many avenues, there is one place we’ve left ourselves behind – healthcare and specifically, physiotherapy.   While the first accounts of physiotherapy in India are as old as 600 BC, physiotherapy as a full-fledged medical …


Out of all human necessities, you could say access to healthcare is a human right. And quite rightfully so. After all, we all have the right to live. However, such philosophical inferences are rarely applicable in reality. While some countries boast free healthcare for their citizens, some need to pay mercilessly for even the most minute treatment. Eventually, effective healthcare boils down to one significant factor – money.   If we consider India as our focal point of conversation, we can’t brag about free healthcare. While welfare programmes like Ayushmann …

India’s Desperate Need of Physiotherapists – Revealing the Demand-Supply Gap

Indian healthcare. What are the first pictures that cloud your mind when you think of this? Some common answers include visualizing overcrowded government hospitals, luxurious looking surgeries in private hospitals and even purchasing medicines from local pharmacies.   But even in the most remote corner of your racing mind, did you imagine physiotherapy? You, like almost everyone else, did not.   As any healthcare professional would tell you, physiotherapy is one of the most overlooked industries within Indian healthcare. Nowhere close to being mainstream, many people fail to comprehend the …

How Research is Physiotherapy’s way forward

The scope of any form of development is determined by its quality of research. The same goes for physiotherapy but in this case, that same research is grossly lacking in substantive and quantity. We asked Dr. Mridul Makkar, an ex-physiotherapy associate and current research associate at Christian Medical College, Ludhiana of what she makes of the current scenario of research in physiotherapy.   Is the lack of physiotherapists in India a factor to the lack of evidence-based research too? While India lacks physios for sure, the problem isn’t just the …

Understanding Patient Adherence From A Physio

  Perhaps the most important but frequently overseen factor in recovery success is patient adherence and emotional understanding. Having a clear insight into the headspace of both the patient and the physio would be key to improving patient-physio relations. Here’s what Dr. Pallavi Variyani, a PhD candidate in community health and rehabilitation to say about patient adherence.   Why is patient adherence important? Dr. Pallavi explains patient adherence the best way possible i.e., a doctor’s commitment to a patient. Be it making patients feel better and confident about themselves to …


Maybe Indians have known this for a while. Maybe we don’t. But as modern healthcare takes a turn to make itself more efficient, we’ve also begun excavating our roots. And when one comes across yoga, maybe we can say, “In search of gold, we lost a diamond”. We went down that route with Dr. Neha Deo, a certified yoga practitioner and physiotherapist, who’s been around for more than a decade. She explained yoga for what it is and how physiotherapy is better because of it. Here’s what she had to …


With physiotherapy and orthopedic care entering an era of massive technological changes, understanding its implication is of vital importance. And who better to review it than an orthopedic himself! In this version of Ashva interviewing healthcare practitioners, we have Dr.Vijayesh Tighare, a young and enthusiastic orthopedic resident at Indiana medical college and hospital, Mangalore, who’s committed to helping people live healthier, both mentally and physically.   How does AI change the playing field for orthos? Having to deal with multiple patients in a single day is a huge strain for …

AI-Integrated Physiotherapy: Affordable & Accessible Solutions.

When a person meets with an accident, the general perception is that the initial treatment is the biggest financial concern. People readily and even recklessly, spend in surgeries and primary medications, assuming that’s damage controlled. And this is exactly the moment where you can sigh and say, “Oh no” to the supposedly, unforeseen expenses – physiotherapy.   In an ideal world, you would want healthcare to be as affordable as possible. Unfortunately, that’s not India’s reality. With the approximate cost of each session ranging from Rs. 500 to Rs. 1500, …

Revolutionizing Physiotherapy Research: Embracing Artificial Intelligence for Credible Evidence-Based Practice

  As healthcare continues to head towards evidence-based practice, physiotherapy remains the key sector where its application can be seen first hand. Considering this, it must be quite right to assume that physiotherapy is paving the way in evidence-based research. And yet, you can’t be further away from the truth. In reality, physiotherapy research is one of the most biased and inaccurate databases to draw results from – something around 72% of physios share concerns about.   But where did physiotherapy research lag? There are several factors that dented its …